AtmosAir™的專利電離管可清潔您呼吸的空間中的空氣,而無需使用不安全的化學物質或產生任何不需要的副產品。 當您選擇AtmosAir™時,無論您與海洋,瀑布或雷雨的距離有多近,您都可以利用地球天然空氣淨化器的力量。
AtmosAir™ 雙極離子空氣淨化系統之運作原理
空氣攜帶氧分子穿過電介質阻擋(AtmosAir™專利雙極離子管), 雙極離子管產生分別帶有正電荷和負電荷的空氣離子。正、負電荷的空氣離子吸引並附著帶有與其相反電荷的空氣污染物。通過接觸,降低污染水平,創造潔淨空氣。
如果安裝在空氣管中, 氣流會將AtmosAir™產生的離子分配到管道系統服務的所有空間,就這麼簡單! AtmosAir™系統的優點在於它可以無縫地融合到現有的商業和住宅暖通空調系統中。
與大多數空氣淨化系統不同,AtmosAir™可以從源頭發現並中和污染物。 這比大多數空氣淨化方法優越得多,因為它在我們工作和娛樂的“空間”中起作用。 AtmosAir™無需等待污染物進入空氣處理器內的過濾器。 相反,空氣離子會像自然一樣進入您呼吸的空間並中和污染物。
AtmosAir™ Bipolar Ionization 的優勢
Capacity: Up to 15,000 CFM
# of Ionization Tubes: 8
Application: The AtmosAir 508FC Bipolar Ionization system is intended to be mounted in the supply duct or air handler of a heating, cooling, or ventilating system. The size and number of 508FC ionization systems is dependent upon the airflow, size of the space, and severity of the pollution and odors.
Capacity: 8,000/10,000 CFM
# of Ionization Tubes: 5
Application: In duct unit for larger central HVAC systems. Ideal for office buildings, hospitals, schools, nursing homes, childcare facilities, locker rooms, training facilities, stadiums, food processing facilities, manufacturing plants and sewage treatment plants.
Matterhorn M880/882
Capacity: 2,500 /5,000 CFM
# of Ionization Tubes: 1/2
Application: The Matterhorn 880 ionization system is intended to be mounted in the supply duct or air handler of a heating, cooling, or ventilating system. The size and number of ionization systems is dependent upon the airflow, size of the space , and severity of the pollution and odors.
Capacity: up to 2400CFM
# of Ionization Tubes: One (1)
Application: The AtmosAir FC100 ionization system is intended to be mounted in the supply discharge in smaller air handling systems such as fan coils, heat pumps and other unitary type systems. The system can be integrated on an OEM basis, or a retrofit package is also available. Access to the unit’s control panel is provided. The unit will be calibrated at the factory per AtmosAir recommendations or the contractor will calibrate the ionization setting to attain ion level readings of between 350 and 1,500 negative ions/cm3 in the space.
Capacity: Up to 1400 CFM
# of Ionization Tubes: 1
Application: The AtmosAir FC-400 ionization system is intended to be mounted in the supply discharge in smaller air handling systems such as fan coil, heat pump and other unitary type systems. The system can be integrated on an OEM basis or a retrofit package is also provided. The unit will be calibrated at the factory per AtmosAir recommendations to attain ion level readings of between 350 and 1,500 –ions/cm3.